Espace intergénérations
7 rue des écoles
35340 LIFFRE (France)

Sunday 10th of November 2024
9am – 18pm

All activities are PRM accessible

Refreshments and snacks on site

Free admission

Contest entry fees apply (see below)

The Contests

How does a puzzle competition work? All participants are given the same puzzle at the same time, and have a limited time in which to complete it. Whoever finishes it first wins!

The competition continues until the end of the allotted time, and all participants are ranked.

Sunday morning, 9am-12pm

Kid’s duo – 2h30

Teams of 2 children aged 5 to 12 inclusive.
30-minute break after 1h15 of competition.
Each team completes a 300-piece puzzle and leaves with their own.
15€ per team
Prizes and trophies for winners.

Children remain the responsibility of their parents during the competition.

Solo Adult – 2h30

One participant aged 13 or over.
30-minute break after 1h15 of competition.
Each participant will have to complete a 500-piece puzzle and will leave with his or her puzzle.
15€ per participant

Prizes and trophies for winners.

Sunday afternoon, 2-5 p.m.

Duo Juniors – 2h30

Team comprising 1 child aged between 5 and 12 + 1 person aged 13 or over
30-minute break after 1h15 of competition.
Each team will complete a 300-piece puzzle and will leave with their puzzle.
15€ per team

Prizes and trophies for the winners.

Adult Duo – 2h30

Team comprising two people aged 13 or over
30-minute break after 1h15 of competition.
Each team must complete a 500-piece puzzle and will leave with their puzzle.
15€ per team

Prizes and trophies for the winners.

Expert duo – 3h

Team consisting of two people aged 13 or over
No breaks.
Each team completes a 1000-piece puzzle and leaves with their puzzle.
20€ per team

Prizes and trophies for the winners.

Puzzle exchange

Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Do you have puzzles lying around in your cupboards, and would like to buy some new ones at low prices? The Puzzle Exchange is for you!

Puzzle drop-offs on Saturday from 2pm to 5pm at Espace Intergénérations (same location as the competition).
Sunday drop-off only for contest participants.

Collection of unsold items, Sunday from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.

We need you!

Would you like to sponsor our event and benefit from great visibility?